I am available to help you with a number of tasks aside from the design. This includes estimating costs, technical aspects of the construction process (including materials and tools needed, and where to acquire them, where to rent equipment, etc.), clarifying which aspects of the project you want to do on your own vs. getting estimates from contractors, advice regarding contractor selection, purchasing and delivering plants, and many other items. I’m available for on-site consultations, as well as by email and phone for ongoing support – whatever I can help you with to turn your dreams into reality. I can even locate, purchase and deliver plants to you for a cost comparable to buying them yourself at a retail nursery (for a full yard this could take all weekend driving to various nurseries to find them).
While I love helping people enough to want to offer this all for free, unfortunately, I can’t pay my mortgage with love or good intentions, so I do charge for all time spent, including the initial consultation. For current rates, please visit the FAQ page.
If you have questions about any of these services, you’re welcome to email using the form at the bottom of the FAQ page.
Tristan Heberlein
Landscape Designer
Solstice Landscape Design
For some, the thought of doing your own landscaping is daunting and scary. For others, it sounds like fun, but you don't know where to start. Regardless of where you're at, when I tell people that you can have a $25,000 landscaping project for less than $10,000 by doing it all, or in-part by yourself, people's ears usually perk up. When I tell people that on-average, hiring a professional landscape contractor usually costs 3-4 times what you assume it will cost, people’s ears perk up even more. In other words, if you have $10,000 set aside for a landscape re-design/build project, it’s likely that it’s actually a $30-40,000 project if you hire a contractor. So, if you enjoy weekend projects, or if you have more time than money to spare, it may be a sensible option to do all, or part of the project yourself.
With many years of experience in all aspects of landscape design and construction, including being furniture for urban livestock, I'm happy to help guide you in doing it yourself! (R.I.P. Chilly)
Ever want to get in touch with your primal nature by demolishing something!? Instead of paying a contractor $1,200 to spend a day on an excavator you can rent one yourself for $300. And, you'll have a ton of fun in the process - that is unless you bump into your house on accident (not recommended). Photo from Solstice Landscape Design portfolio (see if you can find the finished result in the portfolio section!)
Dear fellow do-it-yourselfer,
Since 2007 I've been running Solstice Landscape Design. I started this business with a do-it-yourself spirit because I knew I didn't want to spend my whole life indoors and behind a desk. I wanted to be outside, working with the earth, wood, stone and plant life -- getting my hands & feet dirty. But after 10+ years, even more fun than doing the install myself (and associated chiropractor expenses!) is helping coach others on how to do it themselves. I empathize with the DIY mentality, and I'm happy to help empower you to do as much of your landscaping project with your own two hands, if that's what you wish for.